The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

How to be a Goal Digger with Kimberly Olson

Rebecca Whitman Episode 63

Kimberly Olson is a self-made millionaire and the creator of The Goal Digger Girl, where she serves female entrepreneurs by teaching them simple systems and online strategies in sales and marketing. Through the power of social media, they are equipped to explode their online presence and get real results in their business, genuinely and authentically.  

She has two PhDs in Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition, has recently been
 recognized as the #2 recruiter in her current network marketing company globally, is the author of four books including best-sellers, The Goal Digger and Balance is B.S.,
has a top 50 rated podcast in marketing and travels nationally public speaking. Most recently she spoke on a TEDx Talk and has shared the stage with Rachel Hollis, Ray Higdon, Rob Sperry, Frazer Brookes, and is an Ambassador for John Maxwell.

We discussed:

  • How social media has changed the way we do business
  • What it means to be a Spamela
  • How to practice Time Management
  • What the breakthrough was that changed EVERYTHING
  • What she would tell her 18 year old self

For more information go to...

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