The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

How to Shift your Paradigm with Ash Ruiz

Rebecca Whitman Episode 7

From the Amazon jungles to a shift in paradigms, Ash Ruiz shares the story where his life changed and it all made sense. A celebrated musician who has made music around the world, Ash is helping people find new songs inside themselves to make spiritual connections like never before. Join us for the story of what really happened at Macchu Pichu, why it didn’t happen again and how to connect with spirit in your own way. 

"The moment it is recognized that love is our true nature.....there is no going back, no place to go back to and no one doing the going! Love is truly all there is and it is seen and celebrated as everyone, everywhere" ~ Ash Ruiz

Ash Ruiz is a Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Poet, Holistic Vocal Coach, Mystic, Singer/Songwriter.

Ash Ruiz has had the honor to guide, celebrate and support others in realizing and confidently being the loving intelligence they truly are for the past 20 years, through speaking engagements, workshops, retreats, healing concerts, private and group sessions, and by serving, along with his group "Here II Here", as the melodious soundtrack for the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, including:
Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Gangaji, Neale Donald Walsch, Michael Beckwith, Byron Katie and the Tibetan State Oracle-the Dalai Lama.

As a gift to our listeners, check out, Ash's powerful and uplifting song: