The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

Dress for Success with Jackie Wheeler

Rebecca Whitman Episode 218

Jackie Wheeler has been in business for over 25 years, specializing in personal image (wardrobing, color analysis, body type and personality, skincare, and makeup artistry) and online image (social media content and management). She helps women in the spotlight create and maintain an authentic, memorable, consistent, and impactful style, image, and brand, which helps them build and keep their audience.

When coaching clients on wardrobing, she assists with personal shopping, wardrobe curation, and closet organization.

Her view that one’s online image should coordinate with one’s personal image brings a unique perspective to online content and management. Helping her clients reach their personal and online style, image, and brand goals is one of her greatest joys.

She is a graduate of Arizona State University, holding a BA in Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Marketing, along with several certifications in social media and content creation/management.

She has spoken to groups of 10-500 people over her extensive career. Her speaking engagements range from students just starting out on their career path to businesswomen conferences and corporate presentations.

for more info on Jackie, check out her website:

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Liquid Collagen for aging in reverse

Liquid Collagen for fat loss

To learn more about Rebecca…

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