The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

How to Write a Gratitude Letter with Joel Zuckerman

April 08, 2024 Rebecca Whitman Episode 189

Joel Zuckerman is the author of nine books, including Grateful.  His tenth book, titled Gratitude Tiger, featuring a Foreword by Olympic ski legend Picabo Street, will be released late in 2024.
In his previous career as a golf and travel writer, he won three separate Book of the Year awards in the golf industry and wrote a thousand feature stories for more than one hundred magazines and websites, including Sports Illustrated, Delta’s Sky Magazine, Continental, among many other well-known publications.
As a professional speaker, he has engaged and entertained appreciative audiences on cruise ships, at conferences and corporate retreats.
Since turning his attention to gratitude and its many benefits in 2013, Joel has written more than 240 Letters of Gratitude to individuals near and far who have inspired, befriended, mentored and otherwise assisted him through life. This powerful focus on gratitude and appreciation for those around him has helped him make profoundly positive changes in his life. He’s going to share that message today and teach us how gratitude for others can result in deeply lasting benefits for ourselves with his presentation titled:  
The Seven Pillars of Expressive Gratitude.

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IG: Gratitude_Tiger

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