The Balanced, Beautiful and Abundant Show- Rebecca Whitman

How to Use Intuition in Business with Sarah Sparks

Episode 125

Sarah Sparks is an International Amazon Best Selling Author, podcast host, speaker, has her Master's in Public Administration, a certificate in training: design and development, and a bachelor's in human resources management. She is the highly sought-after Spiritual Business Advisor for Create the Spark. Sarah is a farm-raised, college-educated, former local government employee, turned business owner, who is no longer ashamed of her spiritual woo-woo-ness. She aligns the soul of your business with the business of your soul. Sarah believes using your intuition in business is a valid way of doing business, and she can help you tap into that!

We discussed:

  • Why is using intuition a valid way of doing business
  • Why is it important to access our intuition and not suppress it as entrepreneurs
  • What does S.O.U.L. in business mean
  • Why is leading with your SOUL important in 2023
  • How to get into receiving mode

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